3d staircase card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/樓梯卡片
3d staircase card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/樓梯卡片 | How to make stairs card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a staircase pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #staircase pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#樓梯 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作樓梯卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1duiSUFi0AxrDktUAdJZYvaPTRV3t7c0A/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
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2020年9月30日 星期三
3d Geometry card/Paper craft art/Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d幾何卡片
3d Geometry card/Paper craft art/Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d幾何卡片
3d Geometry card/Paper craft art/Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d幾何卡片 | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | 3d紙藝術 | 3d視覺藝術 | how to make paper Geometry card - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Geometry - how to make Kirigami 3d architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make origami Geometry pop up card - how to make 3d Geometry card . Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Geometry pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Geometry pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d幾何卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d幾何手做摺紙 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MDicd55kDVYyuO7OnUAEVKPZHuL3SbrL/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms.
Geometry (geometric) is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.
Geometry arose independently in a number of early cultures as a practical way for dealing with lengths, areas, and volumes. Geometry began to see elements of formal mathematical science emerging in Greek mathematics as early as the 6th century BC. By the 3rd century BC, geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatment, The Elements, set a standard for many centuries to follow. Geometry arose independently in India, with texts providing rules for geometric constructions appearing as early as the 3rd century BC. Islamic scientists preserved Greek ideas and expanded on them during the Middle Ages. By the early 17th century, geometry had been put on a solid analytic footing by mathematicians such as René Descartes and Pierre de Fermat. Since then, and into modern times, geometry has expanded into non-Euclidean geometry and manifolds, describing spaces that lie beyond the normal range of human experience.
While geometry has evolved significantly throughout the years, there are some general concepts that are fundamental to geometry. These include the concepts of point, line, plane, distance, angle, surface, and curve, as well as the more advanced notions of topology and manifold.
Geometry has applications to many fields, including art, architecture, physics, as well as to other branches of mathematics.
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3d Geometry card/Paper craft art/Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d幾何卡片 | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | 3d紙藝術 | 3d視覺藝術 | how to make paper Geometry card - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Geometry - how to make Kirigami 3d architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make origami Geometry pop up card - how to make 3d Geometry card . Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Geometry pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Geometry pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d幾何卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d幾何手做摺紙 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MDicd55kDVYyuO7OnUAEVKPZHuL3SbrL/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms.
Geometry (geometric) is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.
Geometry arose independently in a number of early cultures as a practical way for dealing with lengths, areas, and volumes. Geometry began to see elements of formal mathematical science emerging in Greek mathematics as early as the 6th century BC. By the 3rd century BC, geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatment, The Elements, set a standard for many centuries to follow. Geometry arose independently in India, with texts providing rules for geometric constructions appearing as early as the 3rd century BC. Islamic scientists preserved Greek ideas and expanded on them during the Middle Ages. By the early 17th century, geometry had been put on a solid analytic footing by mathematicians such as René Descartes and Pierre de Fermat. Since then, and into modern times, geometry has expanded into non-Euclidean geometry and manifolds, describing spaces that lie beyond the normal range of human experience.
While geometry has evolved significantly throughout the years, there are some general concepts that are fundamental to geometry. These include the concepts of point, line, plane, distance, angle, surface, and curve, as well as the more advanced notions of topology and manifold.
Geometry has applications to many fields, including art, architecture, physics, as well as to other branches of mathematics.
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2020年9月29日 星期二
Corydoras aeneus surf/corydoras fish/Aquarium/咖啡鼠玩衝浪
Corydoras aeneus surf/corydoras fish/Aquarium/咖啡鼠玩衝浪
Corydoras aeneus surf/corydoras fish/Aquarium/咖啡鼠玩衝浪
Corydoras | Corydoras aeneus | Aquarium | 咖啡鼠魚
If you like this video please subscribe me
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Corydoras is a genus of freshwater catfish in the family Callichthyidae and subfamily Corydoradinae. The species usually have more restricted areas of endemism than other callichthyids, but the area of distribution of the entire genus almost equals the area of distribution of the family, except for Panama where Corydoras is not present. Corydoras species are distributed in South America where found east of the Andes to the Atlantic coast, from Trinidad to the Río de la Plata drainage in northern Argentina. Species assigned to Corydoras display a broad diversity of body shapes and coloration. Corydoras are small fish, ranging from 2.5 to 12 cm (1.0 to 4.7 in) in SL., and are protected from predators by their body armor and by their sharp, typically venomous spines.
The name Corydoras is derived from the Greek kory (helmet) and doras (skin). Corydoras is by far the largest genus of Neotropical fishes with more than 160 species.[5] It is the sole genus in the tribe Corydoradini. C. difluviatilis is recognized as the basalmost species of Corydoradini, exhibiting several plesiomorphic features compared to the other species of Corydoras. The type species for this genus is Corydoras geoffroy. Several hundred species are not yet classified, but kept by aquarists. These species are given 'C-numbers', originally devised by Hans-Georg Evers for the German fishkeeping magazine DATZ in 1993. In 2006, 153 C-numbers had been assigned, of which 32 had been assigned appropriate scientific names.
The species C. barbatus, C. macropterus and C. prionotos have been reclassified into the genus Scleromystax. Brochis had been differentiated from Corydoras due to the higher number of dorsal fin rays; however, Brochis has recently been suggested to be a synonym of Corydoras. This is contested and has not been universally accepted. The sixray corydoras belongs in Aspidoras.
Corydoras are generally found in smaller-sized streams, along the margins of larger rivers, in marshes, and in ponds. They are native to slow-moving and almost still (but seldom stagnant) streams and small rivers of South America, where the water is shallow and very murky. Most species are bottom-dwellers, foraging in sand, gravel or detritus.[2] The banks and sides of the streams are covered with a dense growth of plants and this is where the corys are found. They inhabit a wide variety of water types but tend toward soft, neutral to slightly acidic or slightly alkaline pH and 5-10 degrees of hardness. They can tolerate only a small amount of salt (some species tolerate none at all) and do not inhabit environments with tidal influences. They are often seen in shoals. Most species prefer being in groups and many species are found in schools or aggregations of hundreds or even thousands of individuals, usually of a single species, but occasionally with other species mixed in. Unlike most catfishes, which are nocturnal, these species are active during the daytime.
Their main food is bottom-dwelling insects and insect larvae and various worms, as well as some vegetable matter. Although no corys are piscivorous, they will eat flesh from dead fishes. Their feeding method is to search the bottom with their sensory barbels and suck up food items with their mouth, often burying their snout up to their eyes.
Corydoras是屬的淡水 鯰魚在家庭美鮎科和亞科Corydoradinae。該品種通常有更多的限制區域特有比其他callichthyids,但整個屬的分佈面積幾乎等於家族的分佈區域,除巴拿馬其中Corydoras不存在。 Corydoras物種分佈於南美,從安第斯山脈以東到特立尼達至大西洋沿岸的大西洋海岸。阿根廷北部的Ríode la Plata排水處。分配給Corydoras的物種顯示出各種各樣的身體形狀和顏色。 扇貝屬小魚,在SL。,中範圍為2.5至12厘米(1.0至4.7英寸),並通過其防彈衣和鋒利的通常有毒的刺保護其免受掠食者侵害。
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Social Media:
JR paper art channel.
Subscribe to JR paper Art : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ
JR aquarium channel.
Subscribe to JR aquarium : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA
Corydoras aeneus surf/corydoras fish/Aquarium/咖啡鼠玩衝浪
Corydoras | Corydoras aeneus | Aquarium | 咖啡鼠魚
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Corydoras is a genus of freshwater catfish in the family Callichthyidae and subfamily Corydoradinae. The species usually have more restricted areas of endemism than other callichthyids, but the area of distribution of the entire genus almost equals the area of distribution of the family, except for Panama where Corydoras is not present. Corydoras species are distributed in South America where found east of the Andes to the Atlantic coast, from Trinidad to the Río de la Plata drainage in northern Argentina. Species assigned to Corydoras display a broad diversity of body shapes and coloration. Corydoras are small fish, ranging from 2.5 to 12 cm (1.0 to 4.7 in) in SL., and are protected from predators by their body armor and by their sharp, typically venomous spines.
The name Corydoras is derived from the Greek kory (helmet) and doras (skin). Corydoras is by far the largest genus of Neotropical fishes with more than 160 species.[5] It is the sole genus in the tribe Corydoradini. C. difluviatilis is recognized as the basalmost species of Corydoradini, exhibiting several plesiomorphic features compared to the other species of Corydoras. The type species for this genus is Corydoras geoffroy. Several hundred species are not yet classified, but kept by aquarists. These species are given 'C-numbers', originally devised by Hans-Georg Evers for the German fishkeeping magazine DATZ in 1993. In 2006, 153 C-numbers had been assigned, of which 32 had been assigned appropriate scientific names.
The species C. barbatus, C. macropterus and C. prionotos have been reclassified into the genus Scleromystax. Brochis had been differentiated from Corydoras due to the higher number of dorsal fin rays; however, Brochis has recently been suggested to be a synonym of Corydoras. This is contested and has not been universally accepted. The sixray corydoras belongs in Aspidoras.
Corydoras are generally found in smaller-sized streams, along the margins of larger rivers, in marshes, and in ponds. They are native to slow-moving and almost still (but seldom stagnant) streams and small rivers of South America, where the water is shallow and very murky. Most species are bottom-dwellers, foraging in sand, gravel or detritus.[2] The banks and sides of the streams are covered with a dense growth of plants and this is where the corys are found. They inhabit a wide variety of water types but tend toward soft, neutral to slightly acidic or slightly alkaline pH and 5-10 degrees of hardness. They can tolerate only a small amount of salt (some species tolerate none at all) and do not inhabit environments with tidal influences. They are often seen in shoals. Most species prefer being in groups and many species are found in schools or aggregations of hundreds or even thousands of individuals, usually of a single species, but occasionally with other species mixed in. Unlike most catfishes, which are nocturnal, these species are active during the daytime.
Their main food is bottom-dwelling insects and insect larvae and various worms, as well as some vegetable matter. Although no corys are piscivorous, they will eat flesh from dead fishes. Their feeding method is to search the bottom with their sensory barbels and suck up food items with their mouth, often burying their snout up to their eyes.
Corydoras是屬的淡水 鯰魚在家庭美鮎科和亞科Corydoradinae。該品種通常有更多的限制區域特有比其他callichthyids,但整個屬的分佈面積幾乎等於家族的分佈區域,除巴拿馬其中Corydoras不存在。 Corydoras物種分佈於南美,從安第斯山脈以東到特立尼達至大西洋沿岸的大西洋海岸。阿根廷北部的Ríode la Plata排水處。分配給Corydoras的物種顯示出各種各樣的身體形狀和顏色。 扇貝屬小魚,在SL。,中範圍為2.5至12厘米(1.0至4.7英寸),並通過其防彈衣和鋒利的通常有毒的刺保護其免受掠食者侵害。
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Social Media:
JR paper art channel.
Subscribe to JR paper Art : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ
JR aquarium channel.
Subscribe to JR aquarium : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA
2020年9月28日 星期一
3d Hourglass card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/沙漏卡片
3d Hourglass card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/沙漏卡片
3d Hourglass card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/沙漏卡片 | How to make Hourglass card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami Hourglass | 卡片教程 | Hourglass Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami Hourglass | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Hourglass pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Hourglass pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#菱形卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作菱形卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JY_e1EgiDxVWFcrKyySiTiqi-IyYCjYi/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
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3d Hourglass card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/沙漏卡片 | How to make Hourglass card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami Hourglass | 卡片教程 | Hourglass Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami Hourglass | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Hourglass pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Hourglass pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#菱形卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作菱形卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JY_e1EgiDxVWFcrKyySiTiqi-IyYCjYi/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/JR-PAPER-ART-305224047051517/?modal=admin_todo_tour
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3d Hagia Sophia/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d聖索菲亞大教堂
3d Hagia Sophia/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d聖索菲亞大教堂
3d Hagia Sophia/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d聖索菲亞大教堂/3d card/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術
how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Hagia Sophia - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy Hagia Sophia card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design Hagia Sophia - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up Hagia Sophia card -How to cut and fold make Hagia Sophia 3d card - 3d聖索菲亞大教堂
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Hagia Sophia pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Hagia_Sophia pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d聖索菲亞大教堂 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d聖索菲亞大教堂彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gr0k1TH2X3iR6XO-eeX4ZjmQf2s8dJXk/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Hagia Sophia (/ˈhɑːɡiə soʊˈfiːə/; from Koinē Greek: Ἁγία Σοφία, romanized: Hagía Sophía; Latin: Sancta Sophia, lit. 'Holy Wisdom'), officially the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque (Turkish: Ayasofya-i Kebir Cami-i Şerifi) and formerly the Church of Hagia Sophia, is a Late Antique place of worship in Istanbul. Built in 537 as the patriarchal cathedral of the imperial capital of Constantinople, it was the largest Christian church of the eastern Roman Empire (the Byzantine Empire) and the Eastern Orthodox Church, except during the Latin Empire from 1204 to 1261, when it became the city's Roman Catholic cathedral. In 1453, after the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire, it was converted into a mosque.
Built by the eastern Roman emperor Justinian I as the Christian cathedral of Constantinople for the state church of the Roman Empire between 532 and 537, the church was then the world's largest interior space and among the first to employ a fully pendentive dome. It is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and is said to have "changed the history of architecture". The building was designed by the Greek geometers Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.Being the episcopal see of the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, it remained the world's largest cathedral for nearly a thousand years, until Seville Cathedral was completed in 1520. Beginning with subsequent Byzantine architecture, Hagia Sophia became the paradigmatic Orthodox church form and its architectural style was emulated by Ottoman mosques a thousand years later.
阿亞索菲亞清真寺是位於現今土耳其伊斯坦堡的宗教建築,阿亞索菲亞(希臘語:Ἁγία Σοφία ;土耳其語:Ayasofya)舊稱聖索菲亞大教堂(拉丁語:Sancta Sapientia),有近一千五百年的漫長歷史,因其巨大的圓頂而聞名於世,是一幢「改變了建築史」的拜占庭式建築典範。
索菲亞在希臘語裡的意思是神聖智慧。其拉丁語名稱則為Sancta Sophia或Sancta Sapientia,希臘語全名是「Ναός τῆς Ἁγίας τοῦ Θεοῦ Σοφίας」,解作「上帝聖智教堂」,教堂供奉在正教神學裡的耶穌。大教堂稱為「聖索菲亞」(Ἁγία Σοφία),是特別獻給天主聖智的那一位,即為耶穌基督。這種對耶穌的稱呼可能源自使徒保羅在《哥林多前書》第1章第24節參中對基督的描繪:「但在那蒙召的,無論是猶太人、希臘人,基督總為神的能力,神的智慧(Σοφία)。」。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
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3d Hagia Sophia/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d聖索菲亞大教堂/3d card/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術
how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Hagia Sophia - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy Hagia Sophia card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design Hagia Sophia - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up Hagia Sophia card -How to cut and fold make Hagia Sophia 3d card - 3d聖索菲亞大教堂
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Hagia Sophia pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Hagia_Sophia pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d聖索菲亞大教堂 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d聖索菲亞大教堂彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gr0k1TH2X3iR6XO-eeX4ZjmQf2s8dJXk/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Hagia Sophia (/ˈhɑːɡiə soʊˈfiːə/; from Koinē Greek: Ἁγία Σοφία, romanized: Hagía Sophía; Latin: Sancta Sophia, lit. 'Holy Wisdom'), officially the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque (Turkish: Ayasofya-i Kebir Cami-i Şerifi) and formerly the Church of Hagia Sophia, is a Late Antique place of worship in Istanbul. Built in 537 as the patriarchal cathedral of the imperial capital of Constantinople, it was the largest Christian church of the eastern Roman Empire (the Byzantine Empire) and the Eastern Orthodox Church, except during the Latin Empire from 1204 to 1261, when it became the city's Roman Catholic cathedral. In 1453, after the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire, it was converted into a mosque.
Built by the eastern Roman emperor Justinian I as the Christian cathedral of Constantinople for the state church of the Roman Empire between 532 and 537, the church was then the world's largest interior space and among the first to employ a fully pendentive dome. It is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and is said to have "changed the history of architecture". The building was designed by the Greek geometers Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.Being the episcopal see of the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, it remained the world's largest cathedral for nearly a thousand years, until Seville Cathedral was completed in 1520. Beginning with subsequent Byzantine architecture, Hagia Sophia became the paradigmatic Orthodox church form and its architectural style was emulated by Ottoman mosques a thousand years later.
阿亞索菲亞清真寺是位於現今土耳其伊斯坦堡的宗教建築,阿亞索菲亞(希臘語:Ἁγία Σοφία ;土耳其語:Ayasofya)舊稱聖索菲亞大教堂(拉丁語:Sancta Sapientia),有近一千五百年的漫長歷史,因其巨大的圓頂而聞名於世,是一幢「改變了建築史」的拜占庭式建築典範。
索菲亞在希臘語裡的意思是神聖智慧。其拉丁語名稱則為Sancta Sophia或Sancta Sapientia,希臘語全名是「Ναός τῆς Ἁγίας τοῦ Θεοῦ Σοφίας」,解作「上帝聖智教堂」,教堂供奉在正教神學裡的耶穌。大教堂稱為「聖索菲亞」(Ἁγία Σοφία),是特別獻給天主聖智的那一位,即為耶穌基督。這種對耶穌的稱呼可能源自使徒保羅在《哥林多前書》第1章第24節參中對基督的描繪:「但在那蒙召的,無論是猶太人、希臘人,基督總為神的能力,神的智慧(Σοφία)。」。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
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2020年9月26日 星期六
3d rhombus card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/菱形卡片
3d rhombus card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/菱形卡片
3d rhombus card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/菱形卡片 | How to make rhombus card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a rhombus pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #rhombus pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#菱形卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作菱形卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KTIQ4NrfqewOge1R_ayM7t1jZS4GHiRJ/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/JR-PAPER-ART-305224047051517/?modal=admin_todo_tour
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3d rhombus card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/菱形卡片 | How to make rhombus card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a rhombus pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #rhombus pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#菱形卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作菱形卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KTIQ4NrfqewOge1R_ayM7t1jZS4GHiRJ/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/JR-PAPER-ART-305224047051517/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
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3d billow card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d巨浪卡片
3d billow card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d巨浪卡片
3d billow card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d巨浪卡片/3d card/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/Paper cutting/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術
how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami surge - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy Wave card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design billow - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up billow card -How to cut and fold make Wave 3d card - 3d巨浪卡片
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Wave pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #billow pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d巨浪卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d巨浪彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W7DqzKAjnUegli80wIDdjWmK1vDBpPeR/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006
pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/jrchiang2006/
3d billow card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d巨浪卡片/3d card/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/Paper cutting/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術
how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami surge - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy Wave card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design billow - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up billow card -How to cut and fold make Wave 3d card - 3d巨浪卡片
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Wave pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #billow pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d巨浪卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d巨浪彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W7DqzKAjnUegli80wIDdjWmK1vDBpPeR/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
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Short body Flowerhorn spawning/Aquarium/羅漢魚和短身羅漢魚產卵
Short body Flowerhorn spawning/Aquarium/羅漢魚和短身羅漢魚產卵
Short body Flowerhorn spawning/Aquarium/羅漢魚和短身羅漢魚產卵
Short body Flowerhorn | Louhan fish | Flower horn | 短身羅漢魚 | 羅漢魚 | 花羅漢魚 | Short body Flower horn - Aquarium
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA?sub_confirmation=1
Louhan fish (Flowerhorn) brings lucky and prosperity for anyone who owns them.
Flowerhorn is a hybrid fish that are based on one of the earliest man-made hybrid fish: the blood parrot. Since the first flowerhorns, often called luohans, #flowerhorn #cichlid have been hybridized with dozens of other cichlids. Their genetic history is unknown and varies greatly with each strain.
It is said that Hualuohan has brought a lot of prosperity to its owner, every luck and good fortune imported from Thailand-the best sales and reasonable prices. From wealth and fame to love and happiness. Those real enthusiasts and fish lovers will even reach out into the fish tank and play with the fish. The fish behaves like a puppy interacting with its owner and even acting like a little puppy.
英文名 Rajah Cichlid
中文學名 花羅漢
英文學名 Cichlasoma sp.
中文俗名 富貴魚、花羅漢、羅漢魚
花羅漢魚是一種基於最早的人造雜交魚之一的雜交魚:血鸚鵡。 由於第一個花角,通常被稱為羅漢,花羅漢魚慈鯛與其他許多慈鯛雜交。 他們的遺傳史是未知的,並且每種菌株都有很大差異。
據說花羅漢魚為它的主人帶來了許多繁榮,從泰國進口的每一個運氣和好運 - 最好的銷售和合理的價格。從財富和名望到愛和幸福。 那些真正的愛好者和養魚愛好者甚至會伸手進入魚缸並與花羅漢魚玩耍,花羅漢魚的行為就像一隻小狗會跟主人互動甚至撒嬌。
「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Canon in D Major」是根據「Creative Commons Attribution」(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) 授權使用
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006
Social Media:
JR paper art channel.
Subscribe to JR paper Art : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ
JR aquarium channel.
Subscribe to JR aquarium : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA
Short body Flowerhorn spawning/Aquarium/羅漢魚和短身羅漢魚產卵
Short body Flowerhorn | Louhan fish | Flower horn | 短身羅漢魚 | 羅漢魚 | 花羅漢魚 | Short body Flower horn - Aquarium
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA?sub_confirmation=1
Louhan fish (Flowerhorn) brings lucky and prosperity for anyone who owns them.
Flowerhorn is a hybrid fish that are based on one of the earliest man-made hybrid fish: the blood parrot. Since the first flowerhorns, often called luohans, #flowerhorn #cichlid have been hybridized with dozens of other cichlids. Their genetic history is unknown and varies greatly with each strain.
It is said that Hualuohan has brought a lot of prosperity to its owner, every luck and good fortune imported from Thailand-the best sales and reasonable prices. From wealth and fame to love and happiness. Those real enthusiasts and fish lovers will even reach out into the fish tank and play with the fish. The fish behaves like a puppy interacting with its owner and even acting like a little puppy.
英文名 Rajah Cichlid
中文學名 花羅漢
英文學名 Cichlasoma sp.
中文俗名 富貴魚、花羅漢、羅漢魚
花羅漢魚是一種基於最早的人造雜交魚之一的雜交魚:血鸚鵡。 由於第一個花角,通常被稱為羅漢,花羅漢魚慈鯛與其他許多慈鯛雜交。 他們的遺傳史是未知的,並且每種菌株都有很大差異。
據說花羅漢魚為它的主人帶來了許多繁榮,從泰國進口的每一個運氣和好運 - 最好的銷售和合理的價格。從財富和名望到愛和幸福。 那些真正的愛好者和養魚愛好者甚至會伸手進入魚缸並與花羅漢魚玩耍,花羅漢魚的行為就像一隻小狗會跟主人互動甚至撒嬌。
「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Canon in D Major」是根據「Creative Commons Attribution」(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) 授權使用
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006
Social Media:
JR paper art channel.
Subscribe to JR paper Art : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ
JR aquarium channel.
Subscribe to JR aquarium : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA
2020年9月24日 星期四
3d geometric card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d幾何卡片
3d geometric card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d幾何卡片
3d geometric card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d幾何卡片 | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | origami |3d視覺藝術how to make paper geometric card - how to make Pop up geometric card - how to make Kirigami - how to make Kirigami geometric - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make geometry pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up geometry card -How to cut and fold make #geometric 3d card - 3d幾何卡片.Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a geometry pop up card.
這是示範如何做#3d幾何卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kGE1A9CZq-xRnCN0gQ6L8EZu_6XsEdqr/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Geometry (geometric) is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.
Geometry arose independently in a number of early cultures as a practical way for dealing with lengths, areas, and volumes. Geometry began to see elements of formal mathematical science emerging in Greek mathematics as early as the 6th century BC. By the 3rd century BC, geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatment, The Elements, set a standard for many centuries to follow. Geometry arose independently in India, with texts providing rules for geometric constructions appearing as early as the 3rd century BC. Islamic scientists preserved Greek ideas and expanded on them during the Middle Ages. By the early 17th century, geometry had been put on a solid analytic footing by mathematicians such as René Descartes and Pierre de Fermat. Since then, and into modern times, geometry has expanded into non-Euclidean geometry and manifolds, describing spaces that lie beyond the normal range of human experience.
While geometry has evolved significantly throughout the years, there are some general concepts that are fundamental to geometry. These include the concepts of point, line, plane, distance, angle, surface, and curve, as well as the more advanced notions of topology and manifold.
Geometry has applications to many fields, including art, architecture, physics, as well as to other branches of mathematics.
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3d geometric card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d幾何卡片 | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | origami |3d視覺藝術how to make paper geometric card - how to make Pop up geometric card - how to make Kirigami - how to make Kirigami geometric - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make geometry pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up geometry card -How to cut and fold make #geometric 3d card - 3d幾何卡片.Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a geometry pop up card.
這是示範如何做#3d幾何卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kGE1A9CZq-xRnCN0gQ6L8EZu_6XsEdqr/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Geometry (geometric) is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.
Geometry arose independently in a number of early cultures as a practical way for dealing with lengths, areas, and volumes. Geometry began to see elements of formal mathematical science emerging in Greek mathematics as early as the 6th century BC. By the 3rd century BC, geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatment, The Elements, set a standard for many centuries to follow. Geometry arose independently in India, with texts providing rules for geometric constructions appearing as early as the 3rd century BC. Islamic scientists preserved Greek ideas and expanded on them during the Middle Ages. By the early 17th century, geometry had been put on a solid analytic footing by mathematicians such as René Descartes and Pierre de Fermat. Since then, and into modern times, geometry has expanded into non-Euclidean geometry and manifolds, describing spaces that lie beyond the normal range of human experience.
While geometry has evolved significantly throughout the years, there are some general concepts that are fundamental to geometry. These include the concepts of point, line, plane, distance, angle, surface, and curve, as well as the more advanced notions of topology and manifold.
Geometry has applications to many fields, including art, architecture, physics, as well as to other branches of mathematics.
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3d Geometric card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/幾何卡片
3d Geometric card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/幾何卡片
3d Geometric card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/幾何卡片 | How to make stairs card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Geometric pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Geometric pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#幾何 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作幾何卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qqLBA_tktImMzpYHPyh8aMMa-Q4ONrFe/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/JR-PAPER-ART-305224047051517/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
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pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/jrchiang2006/
3d Geometric card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/幾何卡片 | How to make stairs card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Geometric pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Geometric pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#幾何 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作幾何卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qqLBA_tktImMzpYHPyh8aMMa-Q4ONrFe/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
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2020年9月23日 星期三
Short body Flowerhorn spawning/Aquarium/羅漢魚和短身羅漢魚產卵全程
Short body Flowerhorn spawning/Aquarium/羅漢魚和短身羅漢魚產卵全程
Short body Flowerhorn spawning/Aquarium/羅漢魚和短身羅漢魚產卵全程
Short body Flowerhorn | Louhan fish | Flower horn | 短身羅漢魚 | 羅漢魚 | 花羅漢魚 | Short body Flower horn - Aquarium
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA?sub_confirmation=1
Louhan fish (Flowerhorn) brings lucky and prosperity for anyone who owns them.
Flowerhorn is a hybrid fish that are based on one of the earliest man-made hybrid fish: the blood parrot. Since the first flowerhorns, often called luohans, #flowerhorn #cichlid have been hybridized with dozens of other cichlids. Their genetic history is unknown and varies greatly with each strain.
It is said that Hualuohan has brought a lot of prosperity to its owner, every luck and good fortune imported from Thailand-the best sales and reasonable prices. From wealth and fame to love and happiness. Those real enthusiasts and fish lovers will even reach out into the fish tank and play with the fish. The fish behaves like a puppy interacting with its owner and even acting like a little puppy.
英文名 Rajah Cichlid
中文學名 花羅漢
英文學名 Cichlasoma sp.
中文俗名 富貴魚、花羅漢、羅漢魚
花羅漢魚是一種基於最早的人造雜交魚之一的雜交魚:血鸚鵡。 由於第一個花角,通常被稱為羅漢,花羅漢魚慈鯛與其他許多慈鯛雜交。 他們的遺傳史是未知的,並且每種菌株都有很大差異。
據說花羅漢魚為它的主人帶來了許多繁榮,從泰國進口的每一個運氣和好運 - 最好的銷售和合理的價格。從財富和名望到愛和幸福。 那些真正的愛好者和養魚愛好者甚至會伸手進入魚缸並與花羅漢魚玩耍,花羅漢魚的行為就像一隻小狗會跟主人互動甚至撒嬌。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
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facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006
Social Media:
JR paper art channel.
Subscribe to JR paper Art : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ
JR aquarium channel.
Subscribe to JR aquarium : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA
Short body Flowerhorn spawning/Aquarium/羅漢魚和短身羅漢魚產卵全程
Short body Flowerhorn | Louhan fish | Flower horn | 短身羅漢魚 | 羅漢魚 | 花羅漢魚 | Short body Flower horn - Aquarium
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA?sub_confirmation=1
Louhan fish (Flowerhorn) brings lucky and prosperity for anyone who owns them.
Flowerhorn is a hybrid fish that are based on one of the earliest man-made hybrid fish: the blood parrot. Since the first flowerhorns, often called luohans, #flowerhorn #cichlid have been hybridized with dozens of other cichlids. Their genetic history is unknown and varies greatly with each strain.
It is said that Hualuohan has brought a lot of prosperity to its owner, every luck and good fortune imported from Thailand-the best sales and reasonable prices. From wealth and fame to love and happiness. Those real enthusiasts and fish lovers will even reach out into the fish tank and play with the fish. The fish behaves like a puppy interacting with its owner and even acting like a little puppy.
英文名 Rajah Cichlid
中文學名 花羅漢
英文學名 Cichlasoma sp.
中文俗名 富貴魚、花羅漢、羅漢魚
花羅漢魚是一種基於最早的人造雜交魚之一的雜交魚:血鸚鵡。 由於第一個花角,通常被稱為羅漢,花羅漢魚慈鯛與其他許多慈鯛雜交。 他們的遺傳史是未知的,並且每種菌株都有很大差異。
據說花羅漢魚為它的主人帶來了許多繁榮,從泰國進口的每一個運氣和好運 - 最好的銷售和合理的價格。從財富和名望到愛和幸福。 那些真正的愛好者和養魚愛好者甚至會伸手進入魚缸並與花羅漢魚玩耍,花羅漢魚的行為就像一隻小狗會跟主人互動甚至撒嬌。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006
Social Media:
JR paper art channel.
Subscribe to JR paper Art : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ
JR aquarium channel.
Subscribe to JR aquarium : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA
2020年9月22日 星期二
3d stairs card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/樓梯卡片
3d stairs card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/樓梯卡片
3d stairs card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/樓梯卡片 | How to make stairs card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a stairs pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #stairs pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#樓梯 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作樓梯卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1duiSUFi0AxrDktUAdJZYvaPTRV3t7c0A/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
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3d stairs card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/樓梯卡片 | How to make stairs card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a stairs pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #stairs pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#樓梯 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作樓梯卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1duiSUFi0AxrDktUAdJZYvaPTRV3t7c0A/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
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3d House card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d房屋卡片
3d House card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d房屋卡片
3d House card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d房屋卡片/3d card/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/Paper cutting/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術
how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami House - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy House card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design House - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up House card -How to cut and fold make House 3d card - 3d房屋卡片
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a House pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #House pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d房屋卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d房屋彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lmeHRwaPlc7P_K_9hvVGmdCf0bvKNtPE/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
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pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/jrchiang2006/
3d House card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d房屋卡片/3d card/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/Paper cutting/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術
how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami House - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy House card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design House - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up House card -How to cut and fold make House 3d card - 3d房屋卡片
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a House pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #House pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d房屋卡片 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d房屋彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lmeHRwaPlc7P_K_9hvVGmdCf0bvKNtPE/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
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2020年9月20日 星期日
Short body Flowerhorn babies Feed/短身羅漢魚苗餵食飼料
Short body Flowerhorn babies Feed/短身羅漢魚苗餵食飼料
Short body Flowerhorn babies Feed/短身羅漢魚苗餵食飼料
Short body Flowerhorn | Louhan fish | Flower horn | 短身羅漢魚
Short body Flower horn -Aquarium
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA?sub_confirmation=1
Louhan fish (Flowerhorn) brings lucky and prosperity for anyone who owns them.
Flowerhorn is a hybrid fish that are based on one of the earliest man-made hybrid fish: the blood parrot. Since the first flowerhorns, often called luohans, #flowerhorn #cichlid have been hybridized with dozens of other cichlids. Their genetic history is unknown and varies greatly with each strain.
It is said that Hualuohan has brought a lot of prosperity to its owner, every luck and good fortune imported from Thailand-the best sales and reasonable prices. From wealth and fame to love and happiness. Those real enthusiasts and fish lovers will even reach out into the fish tank and play with the fish. The fish behaves like a puppy interacting with its owner and even acting like a little puppy.
花羅漢魚是一種基於最早的人造雜交魚之一的雜交魚:血鸚鵡。 由於第一個花角,通常被稱為羅漢,花羅漢魚慈鯛與其他許多慈鯛雜交。 他們的遺傳史是未知的,並且每種菌株都有很大差異。
據說花羅漢魚為它的主人帶來了許多繁榮,從泰國進口的每一個運氣和好運 - 最好的銷售和合理的價格。從財富和名望到愛和幸福。 那些真正的愛好者和養魚愛好者甚至會伸手進入魚缸並與花羅漢魚玩耍,花羅漢魚的行為就像一隻小狗會跟主人互動甚至撒嬌。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
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Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
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Social Media:
JR paper art channel.
Subscribe to JR paper Art : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ
JR aquarium channel.
Subscribe to JR aquarium : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA
Short body Flowerhorn babies Feed/短身羅漢魚苗餵食飼料
Short body Flowerhorn | Louhan fish | Flower horn | 短身羅漢魚
Short body Flower horn -Aquarium
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA?sub_confirmation=1
Louhan fish (Flowerhorn) brings lucky and prosperity for anyone who owns them.
Flowerhorn is a hybrid fish that are based on one of the earliest man-made hybrid fish: the blood parrot. Since the first flowerhorns, often called luohans, #flowerhorn #cichlid have been hybridized with dozens of other cichlids. Their genetic history is unknown and varies greatly with each strain.
It is said that Hualuohan has brought a lot of prosperity to its owner, every luck and good fortune imported from Thailand-the best sales and reasonable prices. From wealth and fame to love and happiness. Those real enthusiasts and fish lovers will even reach out into the fish tank and play with the fish. The fish behaves like a puppy interacting with its owner and even acting like a little puppy.
花羅漢魚是一種基於最早的人造雜交魚之一的雜交魚:血鸚鵡。 由於第一個花角,通常被稱為羅漢,花羅漢魚慈鯛與其他許多慈鯛雜交。 他們的遺傳史是未知的,並且每種菌株都有很大差異。
據說花羅漢魚為它的主人帶來了許多繁榮,從泰國進口的每一個運氣和好運 - 最好的銷售和合理的價格。從財富和名望到愛和幸福。 那些真正的愛好者和養魚愛好者甚至會伸手進入魚缸並與花羅漢魚玩耍,花羅漢魚的行為就像一隻小狗會跟主人互動甚至撒嬌。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm
twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006
Social Media:
JR paper art channel.
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3d ladder card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/階梯卡片
3d ladder card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/階梯卡片
3d ladder card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/階梯卡片 | How to make ladder card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a ladder pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #ladder pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#階梯 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作階梯卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-XsSG32OAhNhNWIEC-EfvxsV1ec72Gyz/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
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3d ladder card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/階梯卡片 | How to make ladder card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a ladder pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #ladder pop up cards.
這是示範如何做#階梯 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作階梯卡片 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-XsSG32OAhNhNWIEC-EfvxsV1ec72Gyz/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
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3d Salginatobel Bridge/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋
3d Salginatobel Bridge/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋
3d Salginatobel Bridge/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋/3d card/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術
how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Salginatobel Bridge - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy Salginatobel Bridge card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design Salginatobel Bridge - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up Salginatobel Bridge card -How to cut and fold make Salginatobel Bridge 3d card - 3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Salginatobel Bridge pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Salginatobel_Bridge pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/12paQBtlfcKtg10K6RFfnfBK9T7smKXP3/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Salginatobel Bridge is a reinforced concrete arch bridge designed by Swiss civil engineer Robert Maillart. It was constructed across an alpine valley in Schiers, Switzerland between 1929 and 1930. In 1991, it was declared an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark, the thirteenth such structure and the first concrete bridge so designated.
As with his Schwandbach Bridge and Vessy Bridge, the structure's fame among civil engineers is a consequence of the techniques involved and the elegance of its design rather than its prominent location: it serves a town of about 2,500 people but is often visited by designers.
Design and history
Maillart had previously designed a three-hinged arch bridge over the Rhine at Tavanasa in 1904. In the 51 metres (167 ft) span Tavanasa bridge, the arch is thinnest at its crown and springing points, thickening in between to reflect the shape of its bending moment diagram. This bridge was destroyed by an avalanche in September 1927. Although Maillart didn't win the contract for a replacement bridge, he entered a competition the following year for the bridge at Salginatobel, with a three-hinged arch spanning 90 metres (300 ft) that used the same overall form as at Tavanasa. In conjunction with contractor Florian Prader, Maillart's design was the least expensive of nineteen entries.
薩爾吉納托貝爾橋是由瑞士土木工程師Robert Maillart設計的鋼筋混凝土 拱橋。它於1929年至1930年在瑞士席爾斯的高山山谷上建造。1991年,它被宣佈為國際歷史土木工程地標,是第十三座這樣的結構,也是第一座這樣命名的混凝土橋樑。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067
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3d Salginatobel Bridge/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋/3d card/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術
how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Salginatobel Bridge - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy Salginatobel Bridge card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design Salginatobel Bridge - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card
Pop up Salginatobel Bridge card -How to cut and fold make Salginatobel Bridge 3d card - 3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Salginatobel Bridge pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Salginatobel_Bridge pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d薩爾吉納托貝爾橋彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/12paQBtlfcKtg10K6RFfnfBK9T7smKXP3/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Salginatobel Bridge is a reinforced concrete arch bridge designed by Swiss civil engineer Robert Maillart. It was constructed across an alpine valley in Schiers, Switzerland between 1929 and 1930. In 1991, it was declared an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark, the thirteenth such structure and the first concrete bridge so designated.
As with his Schwandbach Bridge and Vessy Bridge, the structure's fame among civil engineers is a consequence of the techniques involved and the elegance of its design rather than its prominent location: it serves a town of about 2,500 people but is often visited by designers.
Design and history
Maillart had previously designed a three-hinged arch bridge over the Rhine at Tavanasa in 1904. In the 51 metres (167 ft) span Tavanasa bridge, the arch is thinnest at its crown and springing points, thickening in between to reflect the shape of its bending moment diagram. This bridge was destroyed by an avalanche in September 1927. Although Maillart didn't win the contract for a replacement bridge, he entered a competition the following year for the bridge at Salginatobel, with a three-hinged arch spanning 90 metres (300 ft) that used the same overall form as at Tavanasa. In conjunction with contractor Florian Prader, Maillart's design was the least expensive of nineteen entries.
薩爾吉納托貝爾橋是由瑞士土木工程師Robert Maillart設計的鋼筋混凝土 拱橋。它於1929年至1930年在瑞士席爾斯的高山山谷上建造。1991年,它被宣佈為國際歷史土木工程地標,是第十三座這樣的結構,也是第一座這樣命名的混凝土橋樑。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
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2020年9月17日 星期四
3d card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/卡片教程23
3d card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/卡片教程23
3d card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/卡片教程23
How to make card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
#Kirigami Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a 00000 pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #00000 pop-up cards.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ITMWPGsYqJKo6gLCM1Y5YXiebRyTJ6Ii/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
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3d card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/卡片教程23
How to make card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | Paper craft art | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Paper Origami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
#Kirigami Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a 00000 pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #00000 pop-up cards.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ITMWPGsYqJKo6gLCM1Y5YXiebRyTJ6Ii/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
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3d Pont d'Avignon card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d聖貝內澤橋
3d Pont d'Avignon card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d聖貝內澤橋
3d Pont d'Avignon card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d聖貝內澤橋/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/3d紙藝術-how to make paper Pont d'Avignon card - how to make Pont d'Avignon Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Pont d'Avignon - how to make Kirigami 3d architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make Pont d'Avignon pop up card - how to make 3d Pont d'Avignon card .
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Pont d'Avignon pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Pont_d'Avignon pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d聖貝內澤橋 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d聖貝內澤橋彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
#popup card
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
Suitable for children to play-適合小孩兒童玩.影片為割紙及摺紙過程.免費提供下載圖案使用
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-JwCiN8Es-SxYm6My7_q4mALj_POT5DM/view?usp=sharing
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Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
The Pont Saint-Bénézet (French pronunciation: [pɔ̃ sɛ̃ benezɛ]; Provençal: Pònt de Sant Beneset), also known as the Pont d'Avignon (IPA: [pɔ̃ daviɲɔ̃]), is a famous medieval bridge in the town of Avignon, in southern France.
A wooden bridge spanning the Rhône between Villeneuve-lès-Avignon and Avignon was built between 1177 and 1185. This early bridge was destroyed forty years later in 1226 during the Albigensian Crusade when Louis VIII of France laid siege to Avignon. Beginning in 1234 the bridge was rebuilt with 22 stone arches. The stone bridge was about 900 m (980 yd) in length and only 4.9 m (16 ft 1 in) in width, including the parapets at the sides. The bridge was abandoned in the mid-17th century as the arches tended to collapse each time the Rhône flooded making it very expensive to maintain. Four arches and the gatehouse at the Avignon end of the bridge have survived. The Chapel of Saint Nicholas which sits on the second pier of the bridge, was constructed in the second half of 12th century but has since been substantially altered. The western terminus, the Tour Philippe-le-Bel, is also preserved.
The bridge was the inspiration for the song Sur le pont d'Avignon and is considered a landmark of the city. In 1995, the surviving arches of the bridge, together with the Palais des Papes and Cathédrale Notre-Dame des Doms were classified as a World Heritage Site.
聖貝內澤橋(Pont Saint-Bénezet),又名亞維農橋(Pont d'Avignon),是一座著名的中世紀橋樑,位於法國南部城市亞維農 。
通過歌曲《在亞維農橋上》("Sur le pont d'Avignon"),這座橋變得世界知名。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
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3d Pont d'Avignon card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/3d聖貝內澤橋/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/3d紙藝術-how to make paper Pont d'Avignon card - how to make Pont d'Avignon Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Pont d'Avignon - how to make Kirigami 3d architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make Pont d'Avignon pop up card - how to make 3d Pont d'Avignon card .
Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Pont d'Avignon pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Pont_d'Avignon pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d聖貝內澤橋 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d聖貝內澤橋彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
#popup card
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
Suitable for children to play-適合小孩兒童玩.影片為割紙及摺紙過程.免費提供下載圖案使用
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-JwCiN8Es-SxYm6My7_q4mALj_POT5DM/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
The Pont Saint-Bénézet (French pronunciation: [pɔ̃ sɛ̃ benezɛ]; Provençal: Pònt de Sant Beneset), also known as the Pont d'Avignon (IPA: [pɔ̃ daviɲɔ̃]), is a famous medieval bridge in the town of Avignon, in southern France.
A wooden bridge spanning the Rhône between Villeneuve-lès-Avignon and Avignon was built between 1177 and 1185. This early bridge was destroyed forty years later in 1226 during the Albigensian Crusade when Louis VIII of France laid siege to Avignon. Beginning in 1234 the bridge was rebuilt with 22 stone arches. The stone bridge was about 900 m (980 yd) in length and only 4.9 m (16 ft 1 in) in width, including the parapets at the sides. The bridge was abandoned in the mid-17th century as the arches tended to collapse each time the Rhône flooded making it very expensive to maintain. Four arches and the gatehouse at the Avignon end of the bridge have survived. The Chapel of Saint Nicholas which sits on the second pier of the bridge, was constructed in the second half of 12th century but has since been substantially altered. The western terminus, the Tour Philippe-le-Bel, is also preserved.
The bridge was the inspiration for the song Sur le pont d'Avignon and is considered a landmark of the city. In 1995, the surviving arches of the bridge, together with the Palais des Papes and Cathédrale Notre-Dame des Doms were classified as a World Heritage Site.
聖貝內澤橋(Pont Saint-Bénezet),又名亞維農橋(Pont d'Avignon),是一座著名的中世紀橋樑,位於法國南部城市亞維農 。
通過歌曲《在亞維農橋上》("Sur le pont d'Avignon"),這座橋變得世界知名。
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2020年9月15日 星期二
Flowerhorn cichlid pair | 羅漢魚配對 | 產卵前的羅漢魚
Flowerhorn cichlid pair | 羅漢魚配對 | 產卵前的羅漢魚
Flowerhorn cichlid pair | 羅漢魚配對 | 產卵前的羅漢魚
Short body Flowerhorn | Louhan fish | Flower horn | 短身羅漢魚
Short body Flower horn -Aquarium
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA?sub_confirmation=1
Louhan fish (Flowerhorn) brings lucky and prosperity for anyone who owns them.
Flowerhorn is a hybrid fish that are based on one of the earliest man-made hybrid fish: the blood parrot. Since the first flowerhorns, often called luohans, #flowerhorn #cichlid have been hybridized with dozens of other cichlids. Their genetic history is unknown and varies greatly with each strain.
It is said that Hualuohan has brought a lot of prosperity to its owner, every luck and good fortune imported from Thailand-the best sales and reasonable prices. From wealth and fame to love and happiness. Those real enthusiasts and fish lovers will even reach out into the fish tank and play with the fish. The fish behaves like a puppy interacting with its owner and even acting like a little puppy.
花羅漢魚是一種基於最早的人造雜交魚之一的雜交魚:血鸚鵡。 由於第一個花角,通常被稱為羅漢,花羅漢魚慈鯛與其他許多慈鯛雜交。 他們的遺傳史是未知的,並且每種菌株都有很大差異。
據說花羅漢魚為它的主人帶來了許多繁榮,從泰國進口的每一個運氣和好運 - 最好的銷售和合理的價格。從財富和名望到愛和幸福。 那些真正的愛好者和養魚愛好者甚至會伸手進入魚缸並與花羅漢魚玩耍,花羅漢魚的行為就像一隻小狗會跟主人互動甚至撒嬌。
Flowerhorn cichlids are ornamental aquarium fish noted for their vivid colors and the distinctively shaped heads for which they are named. Their head protuberance, or kok, is formally termed a nuchal hump. Like blood parrot cichlids, they are man-made hybrids that exist in the wild only because of their release. Flowerhorns first emerged for sale on the aquarium market in Malaysia in the late 1990s and soon became popular in many countries in Asia. First developed in Malaysia, Thailand, and Taiwan, they became very popular with Asian fish hobbyists. They are also kept by hobbyists in the US and Europe. Numerous cast-off flowerhorns have been released to the wild, especially in Singapore and Malaysia, where they have become an invasive pest animal. Their importation is banned in Australia.
Flowerhorn breeding dates to 1993.[1][unreliable source] Taiwanese and Malaysians admired fish with protruding heads, known as 'kaloi' or 'warships', found in the western part of the nation. The slightly protruding forehead and long tail of these fish were prized in Taiwanese society as bringing luck in geomancy. By 1994, red devil cichlids (typically Amphilophus labiatus) and trimac cichlids (Amphilophus trimaculatus) had been imported from Central America to Malaysia and the hybrid blood parrot cichlid had been imported from Taiwan to Malaysia and bred these fish together, marking the birth of the flowerhorn.[dubious – discuss]
In 1995, the blood parrots were further crossbred with the Human Face Red God of Fortune, which produced a new breed called the Five-colors God of Fortune. With its beautiful colors, this fish quickly became popular. Selective breeding continued through 1998, when the Seven-colors Blue Fiery Mouth (also known as Greenish Gold Tiger) was imported from Central America, and crossbred with the Jin Gang Blood Parrot from Taiwan.[1][unreliable source] This crossbreeding led to the first generation of hua luo han flowerhorn hybrids (often generically called luohans in English), which were then followed by subsequent flowerhorn introductions.
花羅漢魚是著名的觀賞魚,屬慈鯛科,因其色彩生動和形狀獨特的頭而被命名。其在自然界中本不存在,是經人工反覆改良而成的品種。 花羅漢魚首先在馬來西亞,泰國和台灣等地被培育出來,它們現在被世界各地的魚類愛好者所飼養。 一些批評人士質疑花羅漢魚育種計劃的影響。 普遍花羅漢魚性格兇猛。
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Social Media:
JR paper art channel.
Subscribe to JR paper Art : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ
JR aquarium channel.
Subscribe to JR aquarium : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA
Flowerhorn cichlid pair | 羅漢魚配對 | 產卵前的羅漢魚
Short body Flowerhorn | Louhan fish | Flower horn | 短身羅漢魚
Short body Flower horn -Aquarium
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA?sub_confirmation=1
Louhan fish (Flowerhorn) brings lucky and prosperity for anyone who owns them.
Flowerhorn is a hybrid fish that are based on one of the earliest man-made hybrid fish: the blood parrot. Since the first flowerhorns, often called luohans, #flowerhorn #cichlid have been hybridized with dozens of other cichlids. Their genetic history is unknown and varies greatly with each strain.
It is said that Hualuohan has brought a lot of prosperity to its owner, every luck and good fortune imported from Thailand-the best sales and reasonable prices. From wealth and fame to love and happiness. Those real enthusiasts and fish lovers will even reach out into the fish tank and play with the fish. The fish behaves like a puppy interacting with its owner and even acting like a little puppy.
花羅漢魚是一種基於最早的人造雜交魚之一的雜交魚:血鸚鵡。 由於第一個花角,通常被稱為羅漢,花羅漢魚慈鯛與其他許多慈鯛雜交。 他們的遺傳史是未知的,並且每種菌株都有很大差異。
據說花羅漢魚為它的主人帶來了許多繁榮,從泰國進口的每一個運氣和好運 - 最好的銷售和合理的價格。從財富和名望到愛和幸福。 那些真正的愛好者和養魚愛好者甚至會伸手進入魚缸並與花羅漢魚玩耍,花羅漢魚的行為就像一隻小狗會跟主人互動甚至撒嬌。
Flowerhorn cichlids are ornamental aquarium fish noted for their vivid colors and the distinctively shaped heads for which they are named. Their head protuberance, or kok, is formally termed a nuchal hump. Like blood parrot cichlids, they are man-made hybrids that exist in the wild only because of their release. Flowerhorns first emerged for sale on the aquarium market in Malaysia in the late 1990s and soon became popular in many countries in Asia. First developed in Malaysia, Thailand, and Taiwan, they became very popular with Asian fish hobbyists. They are also kept by hobbyists in the US and Europe. Numerous cast-off flowerhorns have been released to the wild, especially in Singapore and Malaysia, where they have become an invasive pest animal. Their importation is banned in Australia.
Flowerhorn breeding dates to 1993.[1][unreliable source] Taiwanese and Malaysians admired fish with protruding heads, known as 'kaloi' or 'warships', found in the western part of the nation. The slightly protruding forehead and long tail of these fish were prized in Taiwanese society as bringing luck in geomancy. By 1994, red devil cichlids (typically Amphilophus labiatus) and trimac cichlids (Amphilophus trimaculatus) had been imported from Central America to Malaysia and the hybrid blood parrot cichlid had been imported from Taiwan to Malaysia and bred these fish together, marking the birth of the flowerhorn.[dubious – discuss]
In 1995, the blood parrots were further crossbred with the Human Face Red God of Fortune, which produced a new breed called the Five-colors God of Fortune. With its beautiful colors, this fish quickly became popular. Selective breeding continued through 1998, when the Seven-colors Blue Fiery Mouth (also known as Greenish Gold Tiger) was imported from Central America, and crossbred with the Jin Gang Blood Parrot from Taiwan.[1][unreliable source] This crossbreeding led to the first generation of hua luo han flowerhorn hybrids (often generically called luohans in English), which were then followed by subsequent flowerhorn introductions.
花羅漢魚是著名的觀賞魚,屬慈鯛科,因其色彩生動和形狀獨特的頭而被命名。其在自然界中本不存在,是經人工反覆改良而成的品種。 花羅漢魚首先在馬來西亞,泰國和台灣等地被培育出來,它們現在被世界各地的魚類愛好者所飼養。 一些批評人士質疑花羅漢魚育種計劃的影響。 普遍花羅漢魚性格兇猛。
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2020年9月14日 星期一
3d card/Paper craft art/Paper Origami/Kirigami/Pop up card/卡片教程22
How to make card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程21
How to make card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程21 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | kirigami | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Kirigami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
#Kirigami Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own pop up cards.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dykM0Zccwwdx0g9t7w_SnKuf81eTw4Ud/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
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How to make card | Kirigami | Step by step tutorial | origami | 卡片教程21 | Pop up card | Origami Architecture | paper art | kirigami | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | how to make paper card | how to make Origami Architecture | how to make Kirigami card | how to make diy card | how to make greeting cards | how to make card design | how to make pop up card |
#Kirigami Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own pop up cards.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dykM0Zccwwdx0g9t7w_SnKuf81eTw4Ud/view?usp=sharing
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut.
Origamic architecture is a form of kirigami that involves the three-dimensional reproduction of architecture and monuments, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper, usually thin paperboard. Visually, these creations are comparable to intricate 'pop-ups', indeed, some works are deliberately engineered to possess 'pop-up'-like properties. However, origamic architecture tends to be cut out of a single sheet of paper, whereas most pop-ups involve two or more. To create the three-dimensional image out of the two-dimensional surface requires skill akin to that of an architect.
The development of origamic architecture began with Professor Masahiro Chatani's experiments with designing original and unique greeting cards. Japanese culture encourages the giving and receiving of cards for various special occasions and holidays, particularly Japanese New Year, and according to his own account, Professor Chatani personally felt that greeting cards were a significant form of connection and communication between people. He worried that in today's fast-paced modern world, the emotional connections called up and created by the exchange of greeting cards would become scarce.
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
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3d Amsterdam card | Pop up card | Paper craft art | kirigami | origami | 3d阿姆斯特丹卡片
3d Amsterdam card | Pop up card | Paper craft art | kirigami | origami | 3d阿姆斯特丹卡片
3d Amsterdam card | Pop up card | Paper craft art | kirigami | origami | Amsterdam | 3d阿姆斯特丹卡片 | Paper Origami | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | 3d紙藝術 | 3d視覺藝術 how to make paper Amsterdam card - how to make Amsterdam Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Amsterdam - how to make Kirigami 3d architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make Amsterdam pop up card - how to make 3d Amsterdam card .
3d origami Amsterdam | Amsterdam pop up card | paper art Amsterdam | kirigami Amsterdam | 3d紙建築 . Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Amsterdam pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Amsterdam pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d阿姆斯特丹 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d阿姆斯特丹 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p25jXJkyP5s-aCV_nniIuxxvi5J-PBDe/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Amsterdam (/ˈæmstərdæm/, UK also /ˌæmstərˈdæm/; Dutch: [ɑmstərˈdɑm] (About this soundlisten)) is the capital and most populous city of the Netherlands with a population of 872,680 within the city proper, 1,380,872 in the urban area[5] and 2,410,960 in the metropolitan area.[9] Found within the province of North Holland, Amsterdam is colloquially referred to as the "Venice of the North", attributed by the large number of canals which form a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Amsterdam's name derives from Amstelredamme, indicative of the city's origin around a dam in the river Amstel. Originating as a small fishing village in the late 12th century, Amsterdam became one of the most important ports in the world during the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century, and became the leading centre for finance and trade. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the city expanded, and many new neighbourhoods and suburbs were planned and built. The 17th-century canals of Amsterdam and the 19–20th century Defence Line of Amsterdam are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Sloten, annexed in 1921 by the municipality of Amsterdam; is the oldest part of the city, dating to the 9th century.
阿姆斯特丹(荷蘭語:Amsterdam[ɑmstərˈdɑm] (幫助·關於)),有時也稱其為荷京,是荷蘭首都及最大城市,位於該國西部省份北荷蘭省。根據2008年1月的統計數據,這座城市人口達747,290人;而該城市所處的蘭斯台德都市圈,大約有670萬人口,是歐洲第6大都市圈。
其名稱源於Amstel dam——一個位於阿姆斯特爾河上的水壩、即今水壩廣場址——這也表明了該城市的起源。12世紀晚期一個小漁村建於此,而後由於貿易的迅猛發展,阿姆斯特丹在荷蘭黃金時代一躍而成為世界上最重要的港口。在那個時代,該城是金融和鑽石的中心。19和20世紀,該城擴展,許多新的街坊與近郊住宅區形成。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
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3d Amsterdam card | Pop up card | Paper craft art | kirigami | origami | Amsterdam | 3d阿姆斯特丹卡片 | Paper Origami | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | 3d紙藝術 | 3d視覺藝術 how to make paper Amsterdam card - how to make Amsterdam Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Amsterdam - how to make Kirigami 3d architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make Amsterdam pop up card - how to make 3d Amsterdam card .
3d origami Amsterdam | Amsterdam pop up card | paper art Amsterdam | kirigami Amsterdam | 3d紙建築 . Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Amsterdam pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Amsterdam pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d阿姆斯特丹 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d阿姆斯特丹 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p25jXJkyP5s-aCV_nniIuxxvi5J-PBDe/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.
In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting.
Amsterdam (/ˈæmstərdæm/, UK also /ˌæmstərˈdæm/; Dutch: [ɑmstərˈdɑm] (About this soundlisten)) is the capital and most populous city of the Netherlands with a population of 872,680 within the city proper, 1,380,872 in the urban area[5] and 2,410,960 in the metropolitan area.[9] Found within the province of North Holland, Amsterdam is colloquially referred to as the "Venice of the North", attributed by the large number of canals which form a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Amsterdam's name derives from Amstelredamme, indicative of the city's origin around a dam in the river Amstel. Originating as a small fishing village in the late 12th century, Amsterdam became one of the most important ports in the world during the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century, and became the leading centre for finance and trade. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the city expanded, and many new neighbourhoods and suburbs were planned and built. The 17th-century canals of Amsterdam and the 19–20th century Defence Line of Amsterdam are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Sloten, annexed in 1921 by the municipality of Amsterdam; is the oldest part of the city, dating to the 9th century.
阿姆斯特丹(荷蘭語:Amsterdam[ɑmstərˈdɑm] (幫助·關於)),有時也稱其為荷京,是荷蘭首都及最大城市,位於該國西部省份北荷蘭省。根據2008年1月的統計數據,這座城市人口達747,290人;而該城市所處的蘭斯台德都市圈,大約有670萬人口,是歐洲第6大都市圈。
其名稱源於Amstel dam——一個位於阿姆斯特爾河上的水壩、即今水壩廣場址——這也表明了該城市的起源。12世紀晚期一個小漁村建於此,而後由於貿易的迅猛發展,阿姆斯特丹在荷蘭黃金時代一躍而成為世界上最重要的港口。在那個時代,該城是金融和鑽石的中心。19和20世紀,該城擴展,許多新的街坊與近郊住宅區形成。
blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/
Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net
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2020年9月12日 星期六
3d Himalayas | Himalayas Pop up card | paper art | kirigami | origami | Himalayas | 3d喜馬拉雅山
3d Himalayas | Himalayas Pop up card | paper art | kirigami | origami | Himalayas | 3d喜馬拉雅山
3d Himalayas | Himalayas Pop up card | paper art | kirigami | origami | Himalayas | 3d喜馬拉雅山 | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | 3d紙藝術 | 3d視覺藝術 how to make paper Himalayas card - how to make Himalayas Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Himalayas - how to make Kirigami 3d architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make Himalayas pop up card - how to make 3d Himalayas card .
3d origami Himalayas | Himalayas pop up card | paper art Himalayas | kirigami Himalayas | 3d紙建築 . Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Himalayas pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Himalayas pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d喜馬拉雅山 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d喜馬拉雅山 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MZA0GhYgvMGUweZ1xAzbY6WhVLI-sFmX/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
The Himalayas, or Himalaya (/ˌhɪməˈleɪə, hɪˈmɑːləjə/), (Sanskrit: himá (हिम, "snow") and ā-laya (आलय, "abode, receptacle, dwelling")), is a mountain range in Asia separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. The range has many of Earth's highest peaks, including the highest, Mount Everest, at the border between Nepal and China. The Himalayas include over fifty mountains exceeding 7,200 m (23,600 ft) in elevation, including ten of the fourteen 8,000-metre peaks. By contrast, the highest peak outside Asia (Aconcagua, in the Andes) is 6,961 m (22,838 ft) tall.
Lifted by the subduction of the Indian tectonic plate under the Eurasian Plate, the Himalayan mountain range runs west-northwest to east-southeast in an arc 2,400 km (1,500 mi) long. Its western anchor, Nanga Parbat, lies just south of the northernmost bend of the Indus river. Its eastern anchor, Namcha Barwa, is just west of the great bend of the Yarlung Tsangpo River (upper stream of the Brahmaputra River). The Himalayan range is bordered on the northwest by the Karakoram and the Hindu Kush ranges. To the north, the chain is separated from the Tibetan Plateau by a 50–60 km (31–37 mi) wide tectonic valley called the Indus-Tsangpo Suture. Towards the south, the arc of the Himalaya is ringed by the very low Indo-Gangetic Plain. The range varies in width from 350 km (220 mi) in the west (Pakistan) to 150 km (93 mi) in the east (Arunachal Pradesh).
The Himalayas are inhabited by 52.7 million people, and are spread across five countries: Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan.
喜馬拉雅山脈(梵文:ཧིམཱལཡ himālaya,「雪(呬摩)域(阿羅耶)」之意;藏語:གངས་ཅན་ལྗོངས་,藏語拼音:Kang Jain Jong,威利:gangs can ljongs;尼泊爾語:हिमालय)是世界海拔最高的山脈,位於亞洲的中國大陸西藏自治區與巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊爾、不丹等國邊境上。東西長2400多公里,南北寬200至300公里。分布於青藏高原南緣,西起克什米爾的南迦-帕爾巴特峰(北緯35°14'21",東經74°35'24",海拔8125米),東至雅魯藏布江大拐彎處的南迦巴瓦峰(北緯29°37'51",東經95°03'31",海拔7756米),總面積約594,400平方公里[1]。
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3d Himalayas | Himalayas Pop up card | paper art | kirigami | origami | Himalayas | 3d喜馬拉雅山 | 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | 3d紙藝術 | 3d視覺藝術 how to make paper Himalayas card - how to make Himalayas Origami Architecture - how to make Kirigami Himalayas - how to make Kirigami 3d architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make Himalayas pop up card - how to make 3d Himalayas card .
3d origami Himalayas | Himalayas pop up card | paper art Himalayas | kirigami Himalayas | 3d紙建築 . Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm
This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Himalayas pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Himalayas pop-up cards.
這是示範如何做#3d喜馬拉雅山 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d喜馬拉雅山 彈出卡片.
Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant.
Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value.
It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills.
許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。
彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。
製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。
影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 !
The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial !
The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MZA0GhYgvMGUweZ1xAzbY6WhVLI-sFmX/view?usp=sharing
If you like this video please subscribe me
subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1
The Himalayas, or Himalaya (/ˌhɪməˈleɪə, hɪˈmɑːləjə/), (Sanskrit: himá (हिम, "snow") and ā-laya (आलय, "abode, receptacle, dwelling")), is a mountain range in Asia separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. The range has many of Earth's highest peaks, including the highest, Mount Everest, at the border between Nepal and China. The Himalayas include over fifty mountains exceeding 7,200 m (23,600 ft) in elevation, including ten of the fourteen 8,000-metre peaks. By contrast, the highest peak outside Asia (Aconcagua, in the Andes) is 6,961 m (22,838 ft) tall.
Lifted by the subduction of the Indian tectonic plate under the Eurasian Plate, the Himalayan mountain range runs west-northwest to east-southeast in an arc 2,400 km (1,500 mi) long. Its western anchor, Nanga Parbat, lies just south of the northernmost bend of the Indus river. Its eastern anchor, Namcha Barwa, is just west of the great bend of the Yarlung Tsangpo River (upper stream of the Brahmaputra River). The Himalayan range is bordered on the northwest by the Karakoram and the Hindu Kush ranges. To the north, the chain is separated from the Tibetan Plateau by a 50–60 km (31–37 mi) wide tectonic valley called the Indus-Tsangpo Suture. Towards the south, the arc of the Himalaya is ringed by the very low Indo-Gangetic Plain. The range varies in width from 350 km (220 mi) in the west (Pakistan) to 150 km (93 mi) in the east (Arunachal Pradesh).
The Himalayas are inhabited by 52.7 million people, and are spread across five countries: Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan.
喜馬拉雅山脈(梵文:ཧིམཱལཡ himālaya,「雪(呬摩)域(阿羅耶)」之意;藏語:གངས་ཅན་ལྗོངས་,藏語拼音:Kang Jain Jong,威利:gangs can ljongs;尼泊爾語:हिमालय)是世界海拔最高的山脈,位於亞洲的中國大陸西藏自治區與巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊爾、不丹等國邊境上。東西長2400多公里,南北寬200至300公里。分布於青藏高原南緣,西起克什米爾的南迦-帕爾巴特峰(北緯35°14'21",東經74°35'24",海拔8125米),東至雅魯藏布江大拐彎處的南迦巴瓦峰(北緯29°37'51",東經95°03'31",海拔7756米),總面積約594,400平方公里[1]。
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