2020年9月1日 星期二

Cobra in the water | 眼鏡蛇在水裡

Cobra in the water | 眼鏡蛇在水裡

Cobra in the water | 眼鏡蛇在水裡 | jr aquarium
中華眼鏡蛇(學名:Naja atra),又名舟山眼鏡蛇,在廣東、香港俗稱飯鏟頭,台灣則稱之為眼鏡蛇、飯匙倩、飯匙銃、飯鏟頭、膨頸蛇、五毒蛇。屬於蝙蝠蛇科,分布於中國大陸南部、台灣和越南北部的中低海拔地區,屬大型蛇類,身上有細環紋、頸背部具白色環紋,由於被激怒時前身昂起,且膨大頸部後方花紋呈眼鏡狀,故被稱做為眼鏡蛇,為台灣六大毒蛇之一。
The Chinese cobra (Naja atra), also called Taiwan cobra, is a species of cobra in the family Elapidae, found mostly in southern China and a couple of neighboring nations and islands. It is one of the most prevalent venomous snakes in China and Taiwan, which has caused many snakebite incidents to humans.
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Naja atra was first described by Danish physician, zoologist, and botanist Theodore Edward Cantor in 1842. The generic name naja is a Latinisation of the Sanskrit word nāgá (नाग) meaning "cobra".The specific epithet atra comes from the Latin term ater, which means "dark", "black", or "gloomy".

In Mandarin Chinese, the snake is known as Zhōnghuá yǎnjìngshé (simplified: 中华眼镜蛇, traditional: 中華眼鏡蛇, lit. "Chinese spectacled snake", i.e. Chinese cobra), Zhōushān yǎnjìngshé (舟山眼鏡蛇, lit. "Zhoushan spectacled snake", i.e. Zhoushan cobra) or, in Cantonese, faahnchaántàuh (飯鏟頭, lit. "rice paddle head"). "Spectacled snake" refers to the markings which the snake may at times have on the back of the hood that resemble eyeglasses. In Taiwanese, the snake is known as pn̄g-sî-chhèng (飯匙倩/銃, lit. "rice paddle ?"), ba̍k-kiàⁿ-chôa (目鏡蛇, lit. "spectacled snake", i.e. cobra), or tn̂g-ām-chôa (長頷蛇, lit. "long-chinned snake").


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