2021年5月30日 星期日

3d Yellowstone|paper craft|Pop up card|paper art|Kirigami|origami|3d黃石公園卡片

3d Yellowstone|paper craft|Pop up card|paper art|Kirigami|origami|3d黃石公園卡片 3d kirigami | 3d paper art | 3d card | 3d origami |3d視覺藝術how to make paper geometry card - how to make Yellowstone Pop up card - how to make Kirigami - how to make Kirigami Yellowstone - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design - how to make Yellowstone pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card Pop up Yellowstone card - How to cut and fold make Yellowstone 3d card - 3d黃石公園 Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Yellowstone pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Yellowstone pop-up cards. 這是示範如何做#3d黃石公園 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d黃石公園彈出卡片. Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant. #pop_up_card Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value. It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills. 許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。 彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。 製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。 影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 ! The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial ! The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GnnKJVUd0oDhuoSfWJAYv0kv848OPV4N/view?usp=sharing If you like this video please subscribe me subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1 如果您喜歡影片,請按訂閱,訂閱是免費的.它會讓您會收到影片更新通知.謝謝您! Kirigami (切り紙) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue. In the United States, the term "Kirigami" was coined by Florence Temko from Japanese kiri "cut," kami "paper", in the title of her 1962 book, Kirigami, the Creative Art of Papercutting. The book was so successful that the word kirigami was accepted as the western name for the art of paper cutting. Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then unfolded; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Simple Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. A difference between Kirigami and the art of "full base", or 180 degree opening structures, is that Kirigami is made out of a single piece of paper that has then been cut. Yellowstone National Park is an American national park located in the western United States, largely in the northwest corner of Wyoming and extending into Montana, and Idaho. It was established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872. Yellowstone was the first national park in the U.S. and is also widely held to be the first national park in the world. The park is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful geyser, one of its most popular. While it represents many types of biomes, the subalpine forest is the most abundant. It is part of the South Central Rockies forests ecoregion. 黃石國家公園(簡稱黃石公園,英語:Yellowstone National Park)是美國第一個國家公園。主要位於懷俄明州,部分位於蒙大拿州和愛達荷州,於1872年3月1日美國總統尤利西斯·辛普森·格蘭特簽署國會通過的法案後建立,是世界上第一個國家公園。黃石公園以其豐富的野生動物種類和地熱資源聞名,老忠實間歇泉更是其中最富盛名的景點之一。公園中有著多種類型的生態系統,其中以亞高山帶森林為主。 美洲原住民已經在黃石公園地區生活了至少1萬1千年,19世紀早期的劉易斯與克拉克遠征也繞過了這一區域。對該地區的有組織的勘探活動直到1860年代末才開始出現,此前只有一些選擇在野外捕獵和居住的山地人在19世紀早期到中葉曾偶爾進入。美國陸軍在公園剛剛建立後就受委託對其進行監管。1917年後,公園的管理工作移交給了之前一年剛剛成立的美國國家公園管理局。園中有數以百計因其建築學和歷史學意義而保護起來的建築物,研究人員已經發現了超過1000個考古遺蹟。 黃石國家公園占地面積約為8983平方公里,其中包括湖泊、峽谷、河流和山脈。公園內最大的湖泊是位於黃石火山中心的黃石湖,是整個北美地區最大的高海拔湖泊之一。黃石火山是北美最大且仍處於活躍狀態的超級火山,在過去兩百萬年中它曾數次以巨大的力量爆發。噴出的熔岩和火山灰也覆蓋了公園內的絕大部分地區。得益於其持續的活躍狀態,世界上的地熱資源有半數位於黃石公園地區。黃石公園也是大黃石生態系統的核心所在,這是北溫帶地區現存最大且仍然近乎完好的自然生態系統。 blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/ Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/ facebook https://www.facebook.com/%E8%A6%96%E8%A6%BA%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93-JR-paper-craft-305224047051517/ Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006 pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/jrchiang2006/

